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We Develop

We aim to develop students in our various academic Institutions.

We Prepare

We prepare our youths for active service in our local Churches.

We Establish

We establish students in the world of God and our faith.

We Help

We help our youths on campuses to navigate their way through their institutions as a family.

Need Prayer?

No matter what you’re facing,
we’d love to pray with you!

Ask For prayer

Need Counselling?

If you need someone to talk to about any issue,
don't hold back, we are here to assist you.

Contact Us

Our Statistics


University of Ghana


College of Education


Nursing & Midwifery Colleges


Senior High School

Ellen Domaeko
National Secretary
Gideon Amezuweh
National President
Julian Sakyibea
National Coordinating Secretary
Andrews Darko
National Treasurer


2 TIMOTHY 1:6,7

Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.